Main csMATIC contract for Ethereum staking.
Returns the current exchange rate accounting for any slashing or donations and a boolean value indicating whether a slashing event has occurred (Note: Slashing is not currently enabled on Polygon).
function getExchangeRate() returns (uint256, bool)
Returns Information regarding nodes that protocol supports and respective staked amount on each node.
function getNodes() returns (StakingNode[], uint256[])
StakingNode Structure:​
Name | Type | Description |
id | uint256 | Validator node Id |
validatorAddress | address | Validator node address |
points | uint256 | Points allocated to validator |
staked | uint256 | Total amount of stake on validator |
Returns total liquidity of csToken available for Flash Exit without considering external pools.
function getLiquidityCsToken() returns (uint256)
Returns maximum amount of csToken that can be withdrawn in a given transaction.
function getMaxWithdrawAmountCs() returns (uint256)
Returns current epoch in Polygon's StakeManager contract & Withdrawal delay.
function getEpoch() returns (uint256, uint256)
Returns all protocol's funds.
function funds() returns (Funds)
Funds Structure:​
Name | Type | Description |
currentDeposit | uint256 | Total number of tokens deposited by users |
stakedDeposit | uint256 | Total number of tokens currently staked on nodes |
accruedFees | uint256 | Total fees accrued by protocol |
Returns all types protocol's fees. Protocol uses 2 point decimal precision(i.e base unit is 10000)
function fees() returns (Fees)
Fees Structure:​
Name | Type | Description |
depositFee | uint256 | Fee percent on deposit |
withdrawFee | uint256 | Fee percent on withdraw |
instantWithdrawFee | uint256 | Fee percentage on instant withdraw |
rewardFee | uint256 | Fee percent on accrued rewards |
Returns information regarding withdraw order for given user address and oderId.
function withdrawOrders(address, uint256) returns (WithdrawOrder)
WithdrawOrder Structure:​
Name | Type | Description |
amount | uint256 | Total amount of tokens unstaked from validators by user |
fee | uint256 | Fee percentage to be paid by the user |
orderIds | uint256[] | List of order ids from the validators |
nodeIds | uint256[] | List of corresponding nodeIds |
Sends underlying tokens to contract and mints csToken to msg.sender
function deposit(uint256 amountToken) returns (bool)
Note: Requirements:
must have approvedamountToken
of Token to this contract.
Name | Type | Description |
_amountToken | uint256 | Amount of underlying tokens sent from msg.sender to this contract |
Bool confirmation of transaction.
Sends Token to contract and mints csToken to delegator
function deposit(uint256 amountToken, uint256 delegator) returns (bool)
Note: Requirements:
must have approvedamountToken
of Token to this contract.
Name | Type | Description |
amountToken | uint256 | Amount of Token sent from msg.sender to this contract |
delegator | address | Address of entity receiving csToken |
Bool confirmation of transaction.
Burns csToken from user, un-stake respective amounts of tokens from validator node(s) and creates a withdraw order.
function withdraw(uint256 amountCs) returns (uint256)
Note: Requirements:
must have approvedamountCs
of csToken to this contract.
Name | Type | Description |
amountCs | uint256 | Amount of csToken to be withdrawn |
Withdraw Order ID.
Checks the validity of given orderIds
, claims tokens from the corresponding validators nodes and transfers the amount to user.
function claim(uint256[] orderIds) returns (bool)
Note: Requirements:
- All orderIds must have fulfilled the un-bonding period.
Name | Type | Description |
orderIds | uint256[] | Array of withdraw order ids issued at withdraw() |
Bool confirmation of transaction.
Burns csToken from user and instantly returns Token to user.
function instantWithdraw(uint256 amountCs) returns (bool)
Note: Requirements:
must have approvedamountCs
of csToken to this contract.- Contract must have sufficient liquidity.
Name | Type | Description |
amountCs | uint256 | Amount of csToken to be withdrawn |
Bool confirmation of transaction.
Claims rewards, transfers fees to vault and stakes into nodes
function autoBalance() returns (bool)
Bool confirmation of transaction.
Revert Codes​
Deposit Codes (D)​
- CD01: Deposit amount cannot be zero
- CD02: Deposit limit reached
- CD03: Minting csToken failed
- CD04: Delegator can not be zero address
- CD05: Token not supported for swap
- CD06: minOutputAmount cannot be zero
- CD07: clayExchange deposit failed
Withdraw Codes (W)​
- CW01: Withdraw amount cannot be zero
- CW02: Insufficient csToken user balance
- CW03: Invalid token amount
- CW04: csToken burning failed
Claim Codes (C)​
- CC01: Invalid order ID
- CC02: Insufficient balance of Token in contract
- CC03: Unbonding period ongoing, claim not available
Instant Withdraw (Flash Exit) Codes (I)​
- CI01: Flash exit amount cannot be zero
- CI02: Flash exit is deactivated
- CI03: Insufficient csToken user balance
- CI04: Insufficient liquidity in contract
- CI05: csToken burning failed on Flash Exit
Migrations Codes (M)​
- CM01: Amount to migrate cannot be zero
- CM02: Target validator is a foundation node
- CM03: Target validator is locked
- CM04: Migrated amount greater than staked amount
Staking Codes (S)​
- CS01: Insufficient amount in contract for staking
- CS02: Token approval to stakeManager failed
- CS03: Transfer to ClayStaker failed
Balancing Codes (B)​
- CB01: Unbalanced contract
- CB02: Change is exchange rate is above allowed limit
Operations Codes (O)​
- CO00: Invalid Admin credentials
- CO01: csToken can not be zero address
- CO02: Token address cannot be zero address
- CO03: vaultManager cannot be zero address
- CO04: roleManager contract cannot be zero address
- CO05: stakeManager cannot be zero address
- CO06: Invalid percentage value
- CO07: Invalid fee type
- CO08: Validator list and points list are not consistent
- CO09: Validator address cannot be zero address
- CO10: Invalid validator
- CO11: Invalid array lengths updating nodes
- CO12: Deactivating a node with an active stake is not allowed
- CO13: Node not in active like, invalid deactivation
- CO14: Max nodes to withdraw can not be zero
- CO15: Over-staking threshold can't be higher than 20%
- CO16: Deposit fee above max limit
- CO17: Withdraw fee above max limit
- CO18: Instant Withdraw fee above max limit
- CO19: Reward fee above max limit
- CO20: Staking fee above max limit
- CO21: Node id list and amounts are not consistent
- CO22: clayExchange cannot be zero address
- C023: swapRouter cannot be zero address
- CO24: wrappedToken cannot be zero address
- CO25: deadlineDelay cannot be less than current timeStamp
- CO26: epochManager cannot be zero address
Token Transfer Codes (T)​
- CT01: transferTo address cannot be zero
- CT02: amount cannot be zero
- CT03: Insufficient liquidity
- CT04: Token transfer failed
- CT05: Insufficient balance
- CT06: Insufficient allowance